Virtual Online Meeting!
Saturday, August 10th
9 am – 3 pm eastern, ONLINE
Practice Creating a Detailed
Scope of Work
(So You Can Make More Money
and Fewer Mistakes and Have Less Chaos
on Your Next Rehab)
Rehabbing properties—whether it’s for rental or resale—is one of the best ways to make money in real estate.
It’s also one of the easiest ways to LOSE money.
We hear it all the time:
- “I paid too much because I didn’t really know how much work it needed.”
- “I lost money because it took too long to fix, and I got killed in holding costs.”
- “I barely broke even because my contractor kept changing things up on me, and the rehab ended up costing $25,000 more than I planned.”
If you’ve said one of these things (or you’re afraid you WILL someday), there’s one crucial skill you can get that will fix it for you: the ability to create a detailed, accurate scope of work.
That’s not as easy as making a list of what the property needs: you need the tools to plot out exactly what needs to be done, on what timeline, with what materials…
Which is why we’ve rounded up Jerry Fink, a real-life retailer and rental owner with over 35 years’ experience to teach you HOW.
In this workshop, you’ll:
- Do a ‘virtual walkthrough’ of a real rehab, so that you can see how professional rehabbers decide WHAT work to do
- Use a Scope of Work form to actually CREATE a detailed SOW for that property
- Learn how to use your scope of work to negotiate with contractors, and avoid expensive ‘misunderstandings’ during the rehab process
- Find out how a SOW lets you set ‘milestones’ so that you, and your workers, know exactly how much money will exchange hands and when
When you attend, you’ll get:
- An excel template that lets you easily put together a scope of work for any job from a full rehab to a rental turnover
- A detailed contracting agreement that sets your deal with the contractor in stone, and includes such important clauses as penalties for not finishing the work on time
- A unique “contractor screening form” that will help you objectively decide whether to hire a particular contractor, or not
- Recordings of the entire workshop for your permanent real estate library
Members are $47 and Non-Members $97* through August 8th ($67 and $127 after), and as always this workshop comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee: you’ll be convinced that it was a day well spent, or we’ll refund your tuition!
(*Please don’t pay the extra $50, when you can join for just $25 this month, save $50, and get access to more networking and focus group meetings for the entire month)
As always, this workshop comes with a full money-back guarantee—you’ll be convinced that the bonus materials ALONE are worth more than the tuition, or your money back!
Register below to get your link to this skill-building workshop!